Contents of
function Capitalized( cString)
dim head, neck, body, aStrings, hyphos
aStrings = split( cString)
for i = 0 to ubound( aStrings)
    aStrings( i) = ucase( left ( aStrings( i), 1)) & lcase( mid( aStrings( i), 2))
    hyphos = instr( aStrings( i), "-")
    if hyphos > 0 then
        head = left( aStrings( i), hyphos)
        neck = ucase( mid( aStrings( i), hyphos + 1, 1))
        body = right( aStrings( i), len( aStrings( i)) - hyphos - 1)
        aStrings( i) = head + neck + body
    end if
Capitalized = join( aStrings)
end function

function Blank_Fields()
Blank_Fields = False
For each i in request.form
    if trim( request.form(i)) = "" then
        Blank_Fields = true
        exit function
    end If
end function

function invalidPass()
if     len( trim( request.form( "password"))) < 5 or _
    len( trim( request.form( "password"))) > 8 then
    response.redirect( "Messages.asp?Msg=badPwd")
    'response.write( "<h2>Processing halted!</h2>")
    'strMsg = "Password must be between 5 an 8 characters long inclusive." &"<br>"
    'strMsg = strMsg + "Use the Back button to return."
    'response.write( strMsg)
end if
end function

function processText( text)
request.querystring( text)
cText    = request.querystring
iStart    = instr( cText, "txtarea=") + 8
iEnd    = instr( iStart, cText, "&") - 1
cTA    = mid( cText, iStart, iEnd - iStart + 1)
dim cTAFormatted, outPunc
iCounter = 1
do while iCounter <= len( cTA)
    outPunc = escaPunct( mid( cTA, iCounter, 3))
    if outPunc <> "" then
        cTAFormatted = cTAFormatted & outPunc
        iCounter = iCounter + 3
    elseif mid( cTA, iCounter, 6) = "%0D%0A" then
        cTAFormatted = cTAFormatted & "<br>"
        iCounter = iCounter + 6
    elseif mid( cTA, iCounter, 1) = "+" then
        cTAFormatted = cTAFormatted & " "
        iCounter = iCounter + 1
        cTAFormatted = cTAFormatted & mid( cTA, iCounter, 1)
        iCounter = iCounter + 1
    end if
processText = cTAFormatted
end function

'There must be an easier way than the following for translating escape codes...
function escaPunct( code)
escaPunct = ""
select case ucase( code)
    case "%7E"
        escaPunct = "~"
    case "%21"
        escaPunct = "!"
    case "%23"
        escaPunct = "#"
    case "%24"
        escaPunct = "$"
    case "%25"
        escaPunct = "%"
    case "%5E"
        escaPunct = "^"
    case "%26"
        escaPunct = "&"
    case "%28"
        escaPunct = "("
    case "%29"
        escaPunct = ")"
    case "%3A"
        escaPunct = ":"
    case "%3B"
        escaPunct = ";"
    case "%22"
        escaPunct = chr(34)
    case "%27"
        escaPunct = chr(39)
    case "%3F"
        escaPunct = "?"
    case "%2F"
        escaPunct = "/"
    case "%3C"
        escaPunct = "<"
    case "%3E"
        escaPunct = ">"
    case "%2C"
        escaPunct = ","
    case "%7B"
        escaPunct = "{"
    case "%7D"
        escaPunct = "}"
    case "%5B"
        escaPunct = "["
    case "%5D"
        escaPunct = "]"
    case "%7C"
        escaPunct = "|"
    case "%5C"
        escaPunct = "\"
    case else
        escaPunct = ""
end select
end function