About These Pages
Herein is a demonstration of complementary use of XML, XSLT/Xpath, CSS, ASP/VBScript and SQL. Data maintained on a remote server provides a basis for dynamically formatted output of information about hotels in Geneva. Relevant code may be accessed under Source Files.
Details and descriptive text are maintained in a data table. Every time the Hotels menu item is selected, a new XML file containing all existing records is generated automatically; whereupon a server-side XSL tranformation is triggered, in turn transforming the newly generated XML into a styled XHTML page displayed to the client on-the-fly.
Coding for this exercise was done using Notepad, Note Tab light and, to some extent, Dreamweaver. WSYWIG HTML tools do not lend themselves to writing ASP code and XSLT files, however Dreamweaver was used to expedite the layout of certain pages. Functionality was tested using Personal Web Server (PWS) in Windows NT and Internet Infortmation Services (IIS) in Windows 2000.